Title: Last Minute Invitation Fandom: X Factor RPF (Simon Cowell/Demi Lovato) Rating: PG Word Count: 1,951 Summary: Demi invites Simon to her New Year's Eve party. Because I am cliche.
Title: Obvious Fandom: X Factor RPF (Simon Cowell/Demi Lovato) Rating: PG Word Count: 713 Notes: My first fic in over 2 years. I sincerely apologize. Also, all my fics from now on will be posted at AO3, but I'll try to keep this journal up-to-date as well!
Title: Flowers in Bloom Fandom: American Idol RPF (Crystal Bowersox/Lee DeWyze) Rating: PG-13 Word Count: 2005 Summary: Someone asks Crystal a question and she doesn't know how to answer.
Title: The Word I'm Thinking Of Fandom: American Idol RPF (Crystal Bowersox/Lee DeWyze) For: dewyzefamilee's 28 Days of Lee Create-a-Thon Prompt: Lee really likes the word "amazing" Rating: PG-13 Word Count: 1483
Title: Going, Going, Gone Fandom: American Idol RPF (Crystal Bowersox/Lee DeWyze) For: dewyzefamilee's 28 Days of Lee Create-a-Thon Prompt: Domestic!Lee Rating: PG Word Count: 1013